Make a website to make money Have you come up with a great idea for a website that you want to make money from? Or are you simply looking for ideas on how to make a website to make money? Either way I can help you with how to make a website and; How to […]
Month: November 2019
Using Pinterest for affiliate marketing
Using Pinterest for affiliate marketing As affiliate marketers we need to be using Pinterest for affiliate marketing because it is one of the largest social media platforms after Facebook, however not every affiliate marketer is aware of how to use Pinterest to bring new traffic from there to their websites. Do you need more traffic […]
best website seo
Best website SEO Following on from my article on SEO a website for Google I talked about onsite SEO tactics covering using long tail keywords, content optimization and image optimization. Those tips are what you can do on site but the best website SEO should include off site SEO so let’s dive into the best […]
Seo a website on Google
Seo a website on google Do you want to learn how to SEO a website on Google? All internet marketers and that have become successful have done so by learning and accumulating strategies and techniques that help a major search engine like Google understand what their site is about. Search engines were created by humans, […]
Website keyword tool
Website keyword tool A website will never amount to making any money without properly optimized keywords, keywords are the gold dust of any successful website. Finding those short tail and long tail keywords should be the number one priority for any online business to do that you need a website keyword tool. A website keyword […]
How to get on YouTube 2019
How to get on YouTube If you have built a website and you are looking to boost the amount of traffic to your site then you need to know how to get on YouTube because YouTube is the fastest growing online search engine. If you need to build a website go here. You need to […]