How to get on YouTube 2019

YouTube imageHow to get on YouTube

If you have built a website and you are looking to boost the amount of traffic to your site then you need to know how to get on YouTube because YouTube is the fastest growing online search engine.

If you need to build a website go here.

You need to make YouTube part of your overall SEO effort, I would suggest a large part of your efforts should go into this video platform.

I’m going to show you how to get on YouTube and improve your website rankings meaning you make more money!

Let me give you some statistics about YouTube

1. YouTube gets in excess of one billion unique visits each month

2. Over 100 hours of videos are uploaded every 60 seconds

3. YouTube is in 56 countries and is available in 61 languages

4. New subscriptions happen every day, millions in fact, this has doubled within the past 12 months

5. People on YouTube are watching more than 6 billion hours of video every month up more than 50% on the previous year

I hope that these figures excite you, they should. YouTube can be an extra source of traffic for your site, not only that but the video platform will help your site to rank higher as a result of videos being ranked in the top three search results on Google.

Person looking at a videoYouTube video creation

To help you understand the process of how to get on YouTube I have created a video that will walk you through the process of finding keywords to use in your video and using those keywords to optimize your video, go here to start learning.

Relevant keyword research

Finding keywords for a website is a little bit different than finding keywords for a video, having said that we still have to focus on QSR as well as doing a check to find out if other videos for that keyword are ranked on page one.

Let’s start with your keyword research tool my choice is Jaxxy, you can try Jaxxy out for free by creating an account HERE, your goal is to find a relevant keyword within your niche subject that has the following criteria:

1. Quarterly search results under 300

2. That video gets some traffic

An example would be this keyword “how to make a video” as you can see by the results this video gets less than 300 QSR it does get some traffic but not a huge amount.

This looks like a keyword that you could build a video around, but don’t rush into it yet, let’s use some other keywords or phrases like

“ how to make a YouTube video”

“ best way to make a YouTube video”

“free YouTube training”

Keywords image Variation on keywords

Play around with a variation of keywords that are relevant to your niche until you find a keyword that you are happy with, then go onto YouTube put your keyword in the search bar. Check how many videos are on the first page of the results with that exact keyword in the video title.

How many did you get, less than 6, good now you know that you have a good chance to get on YouTube with your video and better still if you do the training you should get onto the first page of the search results fir that keyword.

One keyword per video

When you are making a video for YouTube concentrate on one keyword in that video, as long as that keyword has a monthly search volume of 40 or more with low competition less than 30 then you are good to go.

How do you make a video?

Well to be honest it depends on your budget, if you have some money to spend on video production then you have a number of choices in that area

1. Vimeo

2. Animoto

There are free versions and paid versions of these video production platforms, if you are short on cash there are other ways to make videos for YouTube for example I use my iPhone or my tablet.

Microsoft PowerPoint imageMicrosoft office PowerPoint

If you have Microsoft office you can use their PowerPoint to make videos, it’s so simple, pick a template add your titles and content, insert images to make it more interesting for viewers.

I would recommend that you use at the most 10 slides otherwise the video will be too long and people won’t watch all of it.

Voice over

Ok so you have all of your content organized into about 10 slides, your next step is to create a voiceover so that people will hear you explaining what is in the video.

Just get your phone out, set the slide show to start at the beginning and basically rear the content that you have created inside each slide. When you have finished email the recording to yourself and download it onto your computer.

Go back to the PowerPoint presentation and insert the voiceover, remember to set it to play in the background, next step is rehearse timings so you press that button and as each slide is playing you match your voiceover to coincide with the slide.

Nearly finished now, just click on save and your video has been created, next you need to save it to video on your desktop. Now your video is complete, next step upload it to YouTube.

YouTube imageYouTube account

I’m assuming that you have a YouTube account, if not then go to YouTube and register an account.


Next step

Upload your video to YouTube, put the title with your keyword at the top, go to the description box, this is important

• Put your website address at the top of the content

• Put as much of the content in your PowerPoint as possible

• Put your website address at the bottom

• Put your main keyword in the keyword box

• Put your website address in the keyword box

• Add 8 more keywords

Make a thumbnail image and add it at the bottom.

Click upload it doesn’t take very long, now the next step is very important.

Click on your video

Click on your video link in YouTube find the share button, it’s a piece of code that you are going to use on your website. Your goal here is to drive traffic to your site from your YouTube channel, so that piece of code should be inserted within the post from where your keyword came.

Basically what happens is someone searches on YouTube for your chosen keyword they find your video they like what they see and click on your link to the website.

Last step in the process and a very important step, go to your video play it, make sure you are happy with it, add a comment in the comments section and that’s it, sit back and think about making your next video.

Video analytics

Check back on YouTube in a few days to see your video analytics you will see the number of visitors number of comments number of likes, by the they don’t forget to like your own videos!!


10 thoughts on “How to get on YouTube 2019

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing this post on how making my own video get on to the youtube, have always been wanting to make my own video on YouTube but I don’t have the knowledge and how to go about it , but with this post, I do now, please is the jaxxy keyword the only available keyword we can use to search for our niche or there are any other ones?thanks 

  2. Such a great article! I made a few videos years ago, but nothing noteworthy. We just used our phones. I didn’t realize you should only use one keyword for a Youtube video. Another new one for me – Microsoft Powerpoint helps make videos – impressive! I realize Youtube is really popular, but some people hate it. Are there other websites for watching videos? I can only guess that such sites would have different rules.

    1. Hi Cathy,

      Keywords are so crucial to every piece of content that you publish and videos are no different, however you can use variations on your keywords within the video and in the keyword section underneath the video on YouTube.


  3. Thanks for sharing this post.

     You discussed about ” how to get on YouTube and improve a website rankings meaning make more money! “

    This post such a good post for geting youtube.

    You also discussed the main point of get on youtube. 

    keywords is one of the main fact that you said well.

    Thaks for your article. 

    I’d share this with my friends and family.    

  4. This was some informative information. I always wanted to know how to put a video on YouTube and now I have found it. You laid it out for me. I will try to follow all the steps so I can get ranked. Thanks for the article. With this information I can now expand the ways I can get traffic to my website.

  5. Hi

    Thank you for that detailed article on how to get on YouTube. I agree YouTube is become more important, as we are becoming a society that is driven by visual media and not necessarily by written text. I can understand how important that  this will be and  getting your post into a video format is the future as they say. All your tips are very useful and I can see applying them to my articles. I  can see that it can be hard work especially as it takes a lot of time to right a post in the first place. As they say not  everybody has a voice or face for YouTube.

    Do you recommend one of these software where you text is automatically  transcribe to a voice for YouTube.?



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