What is email marketing about?

What is email marketing about?

If you want to make money from a website or blog it is essential that you know what is email marketing about otherwise you are missing out on sales from affiliate products or services.

Email marketing has been in existence for a very long time, in this post I’m going to show you how to do email marketing so that you can collect subscribers and market products and service to that email list.

 In a nutshellWhat is email marketing about?

If you were to ask me what email marketing is about in a nutshell this would be my response

“Email marketing is the most direct, effective and efficient way of gathering potential customers names and email addresses for the purpose of building your brand, building trust, communicating your message and ultimately making money by recommending products and services to your mailing list”

Why email marketing?

Email marketing is a very personalized way of reaching out to subscribers to keep them up to date with what is happening within your industry, it’s also a way of keeping in constant contact so that people won’t forget about you or your brand.

Email marketing is one of the top communications channels, followed closely by your blog and all of your social media channels.

This form of marketing means that you are collecting names and email addresses that belong to you and your business, your subscribers have given you their permission to be contacted by you, this is a powerful marketing channel.

The figuresEmail subscribers buy more products

Subscribers to email lists have been proven to buy more products (138%) that were marketed through email than those who saw an offer through an ad online or through a website.

The payback or return on investment on email marketing is of the order of over 4,000 per cent, it’s a staggering figure! learning about what is email marketing about has to be a priority for you.

Simply put email marketing is by far the best way to market products and services online to make money.

Why is email marketing a priority for you?

• It’s a top communications channel
• It’s personalised
• It’s keeps you in touch
• Good for branding
• Good way to make sales
• Fantastic return on investment
• Relatively inexpensive (free to start)

Where do you start?

Now that we are on the right track to knowing what email marketing is about let’s delve deeper into this money-making form of communication and show you where to start.

It’s a good idea to put some thought into your new email strategy so that it works for you and your business, with that in mind I’m going to walk you through how to build your first email list.

I’m also going to show you how to create your first email marketing campaign, how best to write your first marketing email, and when to send your marketing emails.

MailerLite email marketing for small business

Which email marketing system should you use?

I use Mailer lite for email marketing their system is easy to set up and use, it includes a simple drag and drop email builder, email notifications, landing pages and pop up emails.

If you would like to try out the Mailer lite email marketing system I’ve arranged for you to get a free $20 credit here.

Mailer lite helps you to collect subscribers by using advanced marketing techniques to help your business grow during the customer purchase lifecycle.

Set your goals

Time to set your goals and decide what you want to achieve from this lesson on what is email marketing about.

1. Establish your target audience
I’m a big fan of doing research on a target audience, to do this I use this research tool to help me uncover the best keywords that people are using in my niche.

2. Budget
Although the internet has a lot of really good free tools for your business a time will come when you need that bit more professionalism in your marketing so it’s a good idea to have a small budget for this purpose.

3. Time management
Managing your time is critical to the success of your email marketing campaign better to set deadlines to get stuff done.

4. Measure results
When you are in the middle of an email marketing campaign always go into the back office of your email campaign manager and check the stats so you know what is working and what isn’t.

Create your mailing list

1. Register with Mailer lite
2. Create subscription form
3. Copy the html code and place it in your best pages
4. Make it simple for people to subscribe

Get started with your email marketing

In order for you to start a successful email marketing campaign you need to create a subscription form to capture email subscribers prior to sending your marketing emails to your subscriber base.

MailerLite email marketing for small business

Register an account at Mailer lite and go to forms, click pop up give your pop up a name, pick the style that you like and colour, follow the instructions on how to get the pop-up subscription form onto your website.

If you like the pop-up Subscription form you can set it to pop up after 5 seconds and after the blog reader has read down to 50% of your content, you can also use other types of forms like fixed forms, floating or embedded.

Make it easy for your subscribers

Make it as easy as possible for your blog reader to subscribe to your newsletter by offering something free or possibly a discount on products.
You must make your form GDPR compliant by ending a confirmation email to them to verify the subscription.

Create your email marketing campaign in 4 easy steps

1. Create a mailing list
2. Create your marketing email use a catchy line in the subject field, write your email about something that will interest your audience, give them something to purchase use a discount code.
3. Check your campaign
4. Send a test email to yourself

Free email marketing training

My friend Jay has done a fantastic free video for you, in the video Jay walks you through “the simplicity of growing your email list” check out Jay’s email training here.

How often should you send emails?

How often you send emails will vary from industry to industry some have a low click through rate of just 2%, so is there a golden rule as to how often you should send emails?

Timing is important so one of the recommended ways is not go bombard your subscribers with for example two emails a week.

This will turn them off and they will unsubscribe as quickly as they subscribed in the first place, according to Entrepreneur.com
most marketers (35 percent) send two to three emails a month.

Nine percent of marketers send six to eight emails a month, and 19 percent send just one email a month.

How should you monitor your marketing emails?

First of all, you should give your intending subscriber the option of a weekly or monthly newsletter, make this clear in the subscription form.
Within your Mailer light dashboard, you have access to how many emails were opened and how many people unsubscribe.

Monitor which emails are working and which ones aren’t, obviously you should send more of the type that are being opened and clicked on.
Mailer lite can also give you other statistics like bounce rate, click through rate, unsubscribe rate, conversion rate and spam complaint rate.

What is the cost of email marketing?

Mailer lite has a free plan that allows you to collect 1-1000 subscribers per month, you can also send out 12,000 emails per month, I suggest that you start with this plan.

As your email lists grow and you need more email resources here is a picture of how much it can cost to use the professional Mail lite system.

Mailer lite subscription plans

Now that you know the answer to what is email marketing about you know that it is a must if you want to make money from your own products or from affiliate products.

Follow the step by step process do your due diligence by using this keyword tool to find out what keywords people are using to search for information in your niche.

Target audience

Target audience

Once you have established your target audience, you can set about starting an email campaign using
Mailer lite create your subscription form, use pop up or one of the other options whichever suits you, your next step is to write your first email for your potential subscribers, do a test run by sending one to yourself.

Make the subject enticing

Make the email enticing to open use words like “free report” or “don’t miss this” in the title, the better you get at creating teasing headlines the more of your emails will be opened, that means you have more opportunity to sell a product or service.

Monitor all your marketing emails, check what works and what doesn’t once you gain some experience and know what to do to be successful at email marketing you will increase your online income.


29 thoughts on “What is email marketing about?

  1. Wow I cant believe I am getting all these lectures all in one place and for free, this is totally unbelievable. I am new to affiliate marketing and I have recently started a new free website, I am looking for ways to drive huge organic traffic to my website. I am a premium member of wealthy affiliate and I think I am on the right track. Learning more from this article is really overwhelming. I hope in the not too distant future I can begin to earn from my website and make really good passive income. I Will really love to hold on tight to affiliate marketing and hopefully I can get to where I want to be. 

  2. I must commend your effort to write about this article on email marketing. It is really an are I have been finding difficult to understand. I recently started my online business and I am trying to acquire every help that I can get in other to become a successful entrepreneur. Your article has been so helpful to me. Thank you

  3. Hello 

    Wow , what an amazing article about email marketing. How important  Email marketing is now i know by reading this article. If you sell affiliate products you must need to know email marketing. If you have a website you also need email marketing. You get tergated user by email marketing. This article helps you to know how to do email marketing. Keep posting this type of article. 

    Thank you

  4. I really appreciate this article. Thank you so much for sharing this great article with us. Your post was very informative for me. I do email marketing. I collect email through the subscribers of my web site. And do email marketing. But I was not successful, the information and recommendations of your post will help me in successful email marketing. I hope I can do good quality email marketing.

    I will share this article via social media. I hope those who don’t know about email marketing will benefit.

  5. Hello, I enjoy a lot while reading your guide on email marketing. I found it very useful for every.  Your post was very informative for me. I do email marketing. I collect email through the subscribers of my web site. And do email marketing. Now your guide helped me a lot to start email marketing again with positive mind set. I hope I will get good results too. Thank you so much for sharing this great article with us.

  6. Hi 

    Thank you very much for this excellent article on email marketing as you have broken down all the important steps and considerations you need  to make to gain success. I tend to think that people either over utilise  or under utilise  email marketing, so that you are hardly heard from them or you are constantly  bombarded. You have to get the balance right and to get to know your audience.  It can be a nightmare  to choose which email market provider and they can be expensive. You have really explained  email marketing  very well. 

    I personally use  mailchimp as I find it easier to use.



  7. Wow, this is amazing! Many thanks for the extraordinary article about email marketing. It is really an are I have been finding difficult to understand. I recently started my online business and I am trying to acquire every help that I can get in other to become a successful entrepreneur. Your article has been so helpful to me. I think this article will benefit everyone who wants to do email marketing. Thanks for the information. I want to share this article on my social media and I think if I share your article on my social media everyone will know about it. 

  8. Hello,I recently started my online business and I am trying to acquire every help that I can get in other to become a successful entrepreneur. Now your guide helped me to start email marketing. I am sharing my success story or other people success story through email marketing. I also guide people the importance of having their own online business.

  9. This is like a total guide to anyone who wishes to engage in email marketing. I must reinstate that this is really great to see and thanks so much for breaking the rudiments of email marketing down to bits worth while. Thanks so much for sharing this here. I must say that, if one can really master email marketing, there’s every chances that one would make it big in marketing generally and boost sales

  10. Hi. I searched on the internet for a lot of information about email marketing but this is the first time I find an article so informative and full of useful explanations. I recently created a website where I use affiliate marketing and earn money from the commissions of the products I promote. My goal is that one day I can give up to my daily job and work flexibly from home or other exotic areas. Email marketing is necessary for my business and increasing the traffic to my websites depends on this way of attracting customers.
    Thanks a lot for this post.

  11. This is probably one of the best email marketing article I have ever read. I have been on the haunt for knowledge regarding email marketing because I have been exposed to its awesome benefits. I am mostly interested in music and I have seen that in most music website, there are no email subscription list. I plan on including email subscription to my music website so as to stay connected with my audience. I love the idea of offering them free gifts; this is in a way attractive just like a magnet. Thanks!

  12. Being a full-time Affiliate Marketer and Blogger I have recently decided to focus on Email marketing, as you mentioned I am missing one of the important marketing sources.

    While doing some research and tried to model successful Internet Marketers I noticed one common thing among all successful Internet Marketers, They build their list!

    One of my 2020 new year’s resolution is to focus on email marketing and to build my list. As you know very well, The Money Is In The List.

    I thought that I need to send emails daily to my list. You have provided great clarity. I am planning to send emails once a week. Thanks a lot for the informative and insightful article.

  13. Hello,As I know that we must make our form GDPR compliant by ending a confirmation email to them to verify the subscription.Once we have established our target audience, we can set about starting an email campaign using Mailer lite create our subscription form, use pop up or one of the other options whichever suits us. Your guide helped me to setup my email marketing. Thanks for sharing such useful guide.

  14. Now I know the value of email marketing. Email marketing is now i know by reading this article. If we sell affiliate products we must need to know email marketing. If we have a website we also need email marketing. Now I am working on my website and soon I need email marketing to promote my brand. Your guide helped me a lot regarding email marketing.

  15. Hello, Thank you so much for sharing this great article. Your post is very informative for me. I recently started my online business and I am trying to acquire every help that I can get in other to become a successful entrepreneur. Your article has been so helpful to me. Now I will also start email marketing.

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