How can I make money in affiliate marketing?

How can I make money in affiliate marketing?

When I get asked how can I make money in affiliate marketing I reply that anyone with the correct mindset and affiliate marketing training can make money doing affiliate marketing just sitting working from home on your computer or in a coffee shop.

Is affiliate marketing that simple?? To be honest millions of people have tried affiliate marketing as a means to make some extra money, have they all been successful check no!

The reality is that nearly 95% of people that try to become successful at affiliate marketing end up with nothing to show for their efforts despite putting a lot of time and energy into making money working from home.

Perhaps you are one of those people that like me have tried in the past to make money online but never really found a step by step way to get your affiliate marketing business off the ground, or you could have heard about people making money online and now you want to know how can I make money in affiliate marketing.

How can I make money in affiliate marketingAre you an entrepreneur?

It’s a question that needs to be asked, are you an entrepreneur are you someone that has tried to make some extra money outside your job in the past, or are you someone that has a hunger to make money online, you want to change your life by making money working from home, you want to be successful at creating extra income for you and your family.

If your answer is yes to some or all of those questions then stick with me and let me show you the way to find the answer to how can I make money in affiliate marketing.

Experience in affiliate marketing .

I want to share with you my experience in affiliate marketing because I can help you in making the right decisions that will take you from where you are now and bring you to a place where there are endless possibilities to making money from affiliate marketing.

where to start in affiliate marketingWhere to start in affiliate marketing affiliate

First of all let’s take a look at what exactly is affiliate marketing and how can you and your family benefit from this ever growing way of doing business on the internet.

Affiliate marketing is definitely something that you can learn from the comfort of your own home, in a nutshell there are millions of companies that are only too willing to pay a commission to you simply for sending people to their website or you get paid when they purchase a product or service.

Let me be clear because I don’t want you to fail at affiliate marketing, is it as simple as just sending people via your website to the company’s website where they may or may not purchase a product or service, check no, it’s not as simple as that, being a successful affiliate marketer takes guts, training and a never say die attitude.

Road blocks to affiliate marketing

Ask any successful entrepreneur and I’m sure they will tell you about the road blocks that they had to overcome to become successful, road blocks are simply things that are put in your way to test your resolve to become successful.

I know that with the right attitude and training you can find the answer to that burning “how do I make money in affiliate marketing “.

Learn affiliate marketing image

Affiliate marketing training

I’m going to recommend that you complete the online Entrepreneur certification course at Wealthy affiliate because that is exactly where I learned how to make money in affiliate marketing, by spending time doing the modules you will have the very best grounding in affiliate marketing where you will learn:

  • How to pick a profitable niche
  • How to start a website
  • How to write content
  • How to write a blog.
  • How to engage your audience
  • How to organize your website
  • How to get visitors for free
  • How to pick the best affiliate programs
  • How to make videos
  • How to use social media to promote your website
  • How to actually make money online

Where to start

I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much information, a lot of people want to know where to start, go to the first online Entrepreneur certification training course here.

The course is FREE, so don’t be afraid to go ahead click here and get started, you will be glad you did once you learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.Affiliate marketing

Your first steps are broken down into 4 areas

Area 1. Choose a niche or interest: It could be anything at all, any subject preferably a subject that you have a passion for, or a subject that you feel there will be huge interest in.

Area 2. Learn how to build a website, your website is the very foundation of your affiliate marketing business, you will learn all of the latest website building techniques that will make your website stand out from the competition.

Area 3. Visitor attraction is the science of attracting people to your site for free, believe me this part is the pivotal in answering your question ” how do I make money in affiliate marketing” so my advice is take as long as you need to learn this technique.

Area 4. Make money from affiliate marketing, when you learn how to attract people to your website you can begin to make money online, there are more than 50 ways to make money from website traffic and more than 500 million affiliate programs that you can promote.

find your passion image

The start of affiliate marketing training

At the start of your affiliate marketing training you will quickly realize that it is a daunting task so be prepared to put the time and effort into basically learning how to be successful at affiliate marketing, remember I referenced never say die attitude, you will need that as you try to navigate the many road blocks that will be put in your way as you strive to achieve success.

Success at affiliate marketing

What would you consider to be success at affiliate marketing, would making an extra couple of hundred dollars/ pounds/ euros or whatever currency your country used be success for you? Or are you a hungry driven person that will never be happy until you become a millionaire through affiliate marketing.

Whichever person you are success at finding the answer to “how can I make money in affiliate marketing” lies in your ability to absorb the best training while you complete the online Entrepreneur certification course and to put into practice what you learn and remember to never give up on your dreams.

Getting your business rolling

Making money working from home is a business, I’m here to help you along the way, a few years ago i was in your shoes, the online Entrepreneur certification course was recommended to me as a way of getting an online business rolling, to be honest it was the best decision I’ve ever taken, I recently sold one of my online affiliate marketing business fir $25,000.

I highly recommend that you do what I did, jump right in and learn from the best affiliate marketers at Wealthy Affiliate get your business rolling by clicking here.

How much money can I kake in affiliate marketing

How much can you make?

It’s a great question, how much can you make in affiliate marketing, honestly the sky is the limit, in other words there are no limits, having said that the amount of money that you make is entirely dependent on these important decisive steps:

  • Picking a niche that you like
  • Picking a niche that isn’t so competitive
  • Implementing the training
  • Picking a good theme for your website
  • Writing content that converts into sales
  • Picking the best affiliate programs
  • Picking a niche that you like

From my own experience picking a niche that you like is the most important aspect of how do I make money in affiliate marketing and I’ll tell you why.

Let’s give an example I happen to love reading about common health conditions like high cholesterol, heart disease and natural alternatives to prescription medicines so it is possible that I would be good at picking a niche website in that area.

On the other hand I know nothing about gardening nor have I any real interest in gardening so it’s more than likely that I would not make a success of a gardening niche, do you see what I’m getting at, pick a niche in something that you have a genuine interest in.

Trust me you will be glad you did.

Picking a niche that isn’t so competitive

Picking a niche that isn’t so competitive, you may well ask how do you do that? There is quite a lot that you do in terms of research into various niches, I recommend that you head over to Wealthy Affiliate and read this free training on the subject.

Implementing the training

The free training that you get at Wealthy Affiliate will be no use until you begin implementing the training, that means as soon as you learn something new that will benefit your affiliate marketing business put it into practice, don’t delay even if it means staying up late until you finish it.

Picking a theme for your website

Picking a theme for your website is personal choice, having said that it’s always good to listen to the advice from other people in the Wealthy Affiliate Community, my friend Jay has a very informative video presentation on choosing an awesome theme, you can access Jay’s video here.

Writing content that converts into sales

Remember, writing content is your main activity every day, content creation is what brings people to your website, the more you write the more your website will get noticed by the search engines, the more they pick up on your content the more visitors to your site, sounds easy right?

It is relatively easy if you can communicate with people through writing, however writing content that converts into sales is a subject that needs some attention and learning, I recommend that you start with this lesson.

Picking the best affiliate programs

Once you get started writing content the next step is to find and pick the best affiliate programs for your online business, that can take time but it will be worth it in the end, head over to Jay’s webinar on picking the best affiliate programs here.


I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed this post on “how can I make money in affiliate marketing” I have tried to point you in the right direction, by doing the free online training course you will give yourself and your family the best chance of making a living online.


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