Best way to make a living online

Best way to make a living online

Making a living online is an idea that appeals to people because the thought of using your computer to make ,money basically means that you effectively work from home on your own online business.

Imagine not having to get into your car and drive to work everyday but instead open up your computer and take a look at how much money you have made whilst you slept.

Right now it’s just a dream however it is an attainable dream, stick with me. I’m going to show you how to make a money online as an affiliate marketer.

In my opinion affiliate marketing is the best way to make a living online because it is relatively easy to learn how to do affiliate marketing plus literally there are no limits to the amount of income that you can make.

Why affiliate marketing

As the internet evolves millions of people are searching for products online, it is estimated that online sales are set to reach over 43% of all sales in 2020 according to FTI consulting.

Not only that they estimate that the sales of online goods will reach over $645 billion dollars in 2020. is the worlds biggest marketplace they expect their share of the online market to increase to 50% by the year 2024. The statistics are mind boggling the good news is there is a massive opportunity for affiliate marketers to make more money in 2020 than ever before.

Amazon marketplace

Amazon is a clever businessd model, they allow people and companies to sell their products on the Amazon website through their fba program, basically the products are shipped from Amazon warehouses across the world to the customer.

That way Amazon has control of what sells to the customer and how fast the product is delivered to anywhere in the world. You can make money from the Amazon associates program by going to this page.

Amazon associates program

The Amazon associates program is a popular way to make a living online, you can easily become part of the biggest affiliate network that sell literally millions of products. You will make a living online by earning a commission from qualifying purchases.

Amazon has vast experience of online selling, they have perfected the art of giving the online customer what they want, so not only can you make money from selling your chosen products, as an associate you will get paid on other products that visitors to your website may purchase.

How much commission does Amazon pay?

People in the affiliate marketing business will argue that the commission paid by Amazon is smaller than other affiliate programs, in some ways it us hard to argue when you find out that the Amazon commission structure pays a rate of between 1-10 % on qualifying sales.

Keep in the back of your mind that Amazon has the biggest choice for the customer at the best prices, they have high conversion rates and they can deliver product to almost anywhere in the world.

How do you set up a website?

In order to take advantage of the Amazon associates program you are going to need a website that will attract people there and click on links to products for sale on Amazon.

They will take care of shipping the product and the after sales service part of it, all you have to do is create content using keywords that attracts visitors to your website.

I recommend that you use a WordPress website to create your first affiliate marketing site because over 40% of websites worldwide are using Wordpres.

I use it to make this website, it’s free to start and you always have the option to upgrade if you feel the need. Its important to pick a niche market before you can start selling products.

Picking a niche market

A niche market is a portion or piece of a much larger market with it’s own specific needs and preferences that may differ from a larger market, a good example within the thoroughbred dogs market is Bernese mountain dogs.

Bernese mountain dogs are a specific market niche within the thoroughbred dogs market, so if that was of interest to you the website would focus on Bernese mountain dogs and would go into great detail on that niche market.

In that way you are building a website that becomes an authority in that market niche so Google sends more and more traffic to your site resulting in more clicks on your affiliate links.

Hopefully by now you get the idea of picking a market niche that has the potential to create a sustainable income for you in the short to medium term.

I recommend that you do this free training on what is the best way to find a niche market that you can take advantage of, once you have decided it’s time to get a domain name relevant to your chosen niche. Keep it simple, not too long and make it memorable.

Decide on a theme

Now you have chosen your niche and domain name, the next step is to decide on a WordPress theme and go about the business of building a website, there is a right way and a wrong way to build a website, I suggest that you follow this step by step website training before you start.

Finding profitable keywords

You will spend a lot of your time researching profitable keywords, a profitable keyword is one that has a high monthly search volume and low competition. So how do you find those keywords that are going to make you some money?

Keyword tool

I use this keyword tool Jaxxy, it does a great job of finding those less competitive keywords that you can rank for in Google, it only costsĀ  $19 per month when you are a premium member of the best affiliate marketing platform on the internet.

I recommend that you open up a starter account (it’s free) where you can avail of the Online Entrepeneur Certification Course (you get the first 10 lessons at no cost to you) you also get the chance to do the first two training classes (free) on how to build an online business and monetize it.


SEO is a term used to describe the art of optimizing each page on your site so that it stands the best chance of making it onto the first page of the search results, anywhere other than the first page of search results will mean less income from affiliate links. Spend the time learning the basics of SEO, it will pay off for you in the end.

Pick the brains of the professionals

To become successful at affiliate marketing you need to pick the brains of successful people who have been there and done that, the community at Wealthy affiliate is made up of people just starting out trying to make a living online and those who have been at the business for years.

Transform your ideas into money

The Wealthy affiliate platform is a place where you can transform your ideas into a sustainable online business that will give you an income to match or be better than working in a job in the real world.

For example there are more than 1,800 coaches within the platform and over 10,000 new online businesses are launched there each month.

More than 1 million four hundred thousand people are using the Wealthy Affiliate platform as the best way to make a living online, with that much support it makes perfect sense to become a premium member where you will have more access to the best training.

In my humble opinion the premium membership is well worth the investment if you are serious about making a living online, it works out at roughly $ 10 per week, you can find out more about premium membership here.

How to use keywords

When you find a profitable keyword you need to write at least 1,500 words on that keyword, not just any old words but well researched words that will reasonate with your audience and keep them on your website for as long as possible.

Your keyword should be the headline, it should also be in the first paragraph and inserted in a natural way about 10 times every 1,000 words.

This is known as keyword density, the experts recommend that your keyword density should be between 1-3 % of the overall word count.

For example in a 1,000 word count article the maximum amount of the keyword would be 10 (based on the 1%) I believe that 10 is enough otherwise the search engines may penalize your site because of keyword stuffing.

How do you make money from Amazon?

Amazon is the biggest store on the internet that means the possibilities of making an income online through the Amazon associates program are infinite, really some websites that I know of are making in excess of $150,000 per year from the associates program.

Of course that doesn’t mean that all Amazon associates are making that much money every year, so what is the secret of the big earners?

The answer is it depends on a number of things and not all of them are to do with experience for example:

1. Are you willing to do the online Entrepreneur certification course.

2. Are you willing to put a minimum of 20 hours a week into your business

3. Can you put $10 a week into your online business

4. Will you work 20 hours a week for one year for no pay?

If you can answer yes to each question then you have a good chance of learning how to make an income online.


Affiliate marketing It is the best way to make a living online because of the low start up cost, the potential of the Amazon associates program and the best affiliate marketing training and support behind you.

It just takes time to get started just do the online Entrepreneur certification course and follow the training step by step.

It will take time before you see any money, no one knows how long, however if you pick a profitable niche and you are patient and persistent then I see no reason that will stop you making a living online.

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