Earn extra money at home

Earn extra money at home

Have you thought about how to earn extra money at home because you need it to pay for stuff for your home or a vacation? Having some extra money would mean a lot to you and your family wouldn’t it?

I’m going to show you some ways that you can make extra money at home that won’t cost you any money but it will cost you your time,  patience and persistence.

The training on the Wealthy Affiliate platform has to be seen to be believed, a lot is free and you always have the option for more by going premium.

To be honest it’s never easy to make extra money without extra effort and hard work, so if you are ready let’s jump into it.

Extra money making ideas

The internet is a vast place where people are searching for answers to their questions each and every day, 24 hours a day seven days a week. If you can provide the answers to their questions it is possible to earn extra money at home.

What do you need?

You will need a computer and good internet connection, I’m assuming that you have both. You will need time that you can spare to learn how to earn extra money, you will need patience while you are learning how to earn that extra cash. Making money on the internet takes time, you won’t get rich overnight but many people have made extra money after they learned how to do it.

It’s very important to follow the training provided at this wonderful platform.

What next?

I mentioned that people like you and me are searching on the internet every day for answers to their questions, they are also searching for products and services to help them solve their problems . This is where you step in by writing good quality unique content on your website that answers their questions or solves a problem for them.


I’m not sure whether ir not you have ever built a website, it’s really not that difficult once you do the training, it’s free to learn how to build a website just go HERE.

Website ideas

First you need to figure out what your website is going to  be about, I can give you some ideas:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Horses
  • Cars
  • Soccer
  • Football
  • Science
  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Making money
  • Holidays
  • Insurance

As you can see the list of things to write about is endless, my advice is to stick to a subject that you know something about, a subject that you are passionate about, a subject that you have experience of.

Don’t worry it may seem daunting at the beginning but trust me if you start a website based around a subject that you love and are passionate about the words will flow much easier.

Niche market

A niche market is a portion of a bigger market and can be defined by it’s own identity, needs or preferences, essentially a niche market is different from a larger market even though it is part of it

For example within the market for trousers you have boys and girls trousers, men’s and women’s trousers, then you have trousers in all shapes and sizes because people are born in all shapes and sizes.

Within the trouser market a niche would be ladies trousers, so a website could be built around ladies trousers. Nearly every market can be refined further by defining it based on:

  • Item price
  • Demographics
  • Quality
  • Geographic’s
  • Phycographics (attitudes, interests and values)

Your niche market

Your niche market would be based on your interests, focus on what you like, write about that and promote products associated with that niche.


Content marketing is a way to get people to your website for free, in other words you don’t need to advertise what you are writing because the search engines will find the content that that you have written and show it to the people that are interested in your subject.


SEO stands for search engine optimization it is the process that you will need to learn to get your content to the first page of the search results, in other words if somebody types a word into the search bar on their computer they will be taken to your website for that particular search term.

Dont worry if it sounds a little complicated at this point because you will be  able to learn all about SEO by going HERE.

Remember you dont have to leave your home to make the extra cash, you just need to learn how to build your website, learn content marketing and SEO. The training is right here at your fingertips just take your time and learn the basics of affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn extra money at home by building a website through creating unique quality content that will be of interest to your website visitors.

How do you make money?

You earn money by recommending products or services to you website visitors, for example let’s say your website was built around vacuum cleaners and your website visitors are interested in buying a vacuum cleaner that you have recommended they click on a link to the manufacturer of the vacuum cleaner.

This is called an affiliate link, basically you are an affiliate for that company, the company look after the customer delivers the product and provides an after sales service to the customer, all that you have to do is to write content that brings people to your site.

Your function is to provide the content or information on that particular product with a link inserted that takes the visitor to the company’s product page where they can purchase the product.

How you make money is the company pay you a commission on the sale of that product, easy enough right?

The hard part

The hard part is finding the right keywords to build your website content around, a keyword is a word that a person uses when they are searching for a product, service or answer to there query online. There are literally millions of keywords that people use, so how do you figure out which keywords to use?

Keyword analyzer tool

A keyword analyzer tool is simply a piece of software that will make your job of finding keywords that you can write about so much easier, I recommend this keyword tool because it is one of the best on the market for giving accurate keyword results.

For example let’s say you type a word into this keyword tool like make money, the system will do an analysis of what people are looking for in the make money niche and come back with the best keywords related to that subject.

Next you decide which keyword is the best to use, dont worry the software will show you which is best, then you take that keyword and write an article around it.


Dont make writing an article to complicated, use my formula and it goes like this

Put your keyword at the top of the page in Heading 1

Make every heading after that Heading 2

Your first sentence should contain your keyword, make it easy for the search engines to find that page.

Keep your sentences short maybe 3-4 lines, that way it’s easier for your reader and has more flow.

Make the content interesting and informative.

Include pictures and images on the subject.

Reference any scientific evidence in the subject.

Offer customer testimonials where applicable.

Write about 1000 minimum words and a maximum of 3,000 words.

Write a conclusion at the end.

Help is at hand

Being successful at affiliate marketing no matter what your background is will mean that you will make mistakes and at times you may be stuck on something and need help. That’s where the best affiliate marketing training platform on the internet comes in, it doesn’t matter what subject you need help on:

  • Building your website
  • Finding your niche
  • Finding keywords
  • A technical problem
  • Google analytics
  • Using Facebook
  • Using YouTube
  • Using Pinterest
  • Using Twitter
  • Using LinkedIn
  • Uploading images
  • SEO
  • Writing
  • Adding affiliate links
  • Making money

Anything that you are stuck on help is available, I can personally vouch for the help that is available not only in video form but also in text form. I have to acknowledge the help that I have received from the community at Wealthy Affiliate, dont be afraid to reach out and ask the community.

I’m sure you will always find somebody there that has come across the same problem that you are having, most people are only too willing to help.


It is possible to earn extra money at home as long as you are prepared to learn some new stuff and put what you learn into practice, over the long term you will build a passive income based on a subject that you know something about and you are willing to share what you know with the world.



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