Affiliate marketing free website

Affiliate marketing free website

by Fintan Duggan on November 11th, 2019 in Learn Affiliate Marketing, Earn extra money at home.

Affiliate marketing is a very good way to make money working from home but first you have to learn a bit about affiliate marketing, I will help you learn affiliate marketing and show you where to get an Affiliate marketing free website.

I have been working hard as an affiliate marketer for more than 2 years, so I can put you on the right track to have a successful online affiliate marketing business. Why am I doing this for you?

When I started in affiliate marketing a very good person helped to point me in the right direction, now it’s my turn to help you become successful as an affiliate marketer.

Building an affiliate marketing website

Building a affiliate marketing website is just the beginning of your journey to becoming a successful affiliate marketer, if you have tried to make money online before and it didn’t work out it isn’t surprising. Did you know that only about 3% of people who try to make money online succeed?

I often wondered why that is, I found out that the real reason that people fail online is not through lack of effort but rather through a lack of expertise and the correct tools to make money online. I’m going to give you access to the very best affiliate marketing tools that you can use to make a real success of affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing continues to be a very attractive way to have your own business online without many of the overheads associated with a traditional business. Tens of thousands of companies across the world are only too willing to pay affiliates a fee to help them sell their products in the global marketplace.

Most affiliate programs have commissions to offer for new sales sending out a Newsletter or generating leads. Bloggers or influencers are trusted by the public they draw thousands of people to their blogs, companies are only too willing to pay them for new sales.

For example let’s say John is a famous blogger he writes about travelling people love his blog, they read it and within his blog content he has placed affiliate links to a product or service that has recommends.

The blog visitor clicks on the link purchases the product and John gets paid commission on the sale, it can be up to 30% in some cases.

What does this mean for you?

It means that you have the chance to become an affiliate marketer by setting up your very own affiliate marketing free website based around a subject that you know a lot about, it helps if you are passionate about that particular subject and ultimately as an affiliate marketer you make money from.

What do I mean about a subject that you know something about, I’m talking about a niche subject or a niche market.

What is a niche subject/market?

A niche subject or niche market is basically something that you can write about that will be attractive to thousands of other people, you will learn how to find the best keywords after you do the free training at this website.

When you use keywords that have high search volume and low competition you will find that the page that you built around that good keyword will end up on the first page of Google search results. What does this mean for you? It means that that page will get regular visitors meaning you can make money from it by monetizing the content.

What does monetizing your content mean?

This is the meat in the sandwich, monetizing your content is quite simple but you need to know what is the best way for you make money from the writing that you do.

There are a number of ways to do this, let me explain affiliate marketing in terms of making money online

• Affiliate commissions

• Product sales

• Google AdSense

• Banner ads

Affiliate commissions

Affiliate commissions is one of the simplest ways to monetize your website, what you need to do is search online for companies that offer commissions to you for bringing business to them. There are a number of affiliate platforms where you can find products or services applicable to your niche, for example

• Commission junction

• Amazon

• Click bank

• Rakuten marketing

• Share a sale

There are so many platforms where you can find a product or service that fits with the content of your website.

Where do you start?

Just a note of caution, once you follow the in depth training it should be relatively easy to build your affiliate marketing free website however after you have achieved that you will need to learn about how to create interesting and engaging content, you will also need to learn how to create quality content and write articles with a word count of anywhere between 1500 to 3000 words.

Why do you need to write so many words?

The search engines are if the opinion that any subject worth reading about should be explained in great detail for example let’s say that you are writing a health blog about a serious condition like heart disease.

Heart disease is a big subject so if you were to write about it you would need to go into what us heart disease, what causes heart disease, what are the symptoms if heart disease, what are heart disease treatments etc., you will also need to reference any research work or scientific papers that you have used to write your content.

Google loves in depth content, so if you can write informative in depth content with high performing keywords then you stand a more than good chance if making money from that article.

Why you need Affiliate marketing free website

There are a number of reasons why you need an affiliate marketing free website

1. Consumers will buy a recommended product

2. Consumers will make decisions based on the content

3. It is where you show your knowledge

4. It is where you establish your authority

5. A website is where you create your own audience

What do you need to do next?

In order to become a successful affiliate marketer you must first choose a niche, to help you make your mind up ask yourself these questions

1. What subject do I know most about?

2. Have I a passion for that niche?

3. Can I write forever on that niche?

4. Can I make money in this niche from affiliate commissions?

5. Is it a crowded niche?

How to research a niche.

I recommend that you take time a do as much research as possible before deciding on a niche, trust me I have jumped into some very appealing niches only to discover that my heart wasn’t into that particular subject and I just lost interest and gave up.

The result was time wasted, time that could have been better spent doing more research on other more profitable and interesting niches, I recommend that you do a brainstorming session write down some ideas, you will find lots of ideas by watching this free training on how to find a profitable niche.

Look for an appropriate affiliate program

So now you have determined the niche that you will build your affiliate marketing free website around so your next step is to look for an appropriate affiliate program that fits with your idea.

It so simple just Google affiliate programs for that niche, there are usually hundreds to choose from, most of them dint cost any money to join commissions can be anywhere from 5-50% paid directly into your bank.

Questions to ask about affiliate programs

Possibility it could take you some time to find what you are looking for in terms of a good fit affiliate program, here are some basic questions that you need to ask yourself,

1. How much can I make?

2. Is the company reputable?

3.How will they pay me?

4. Does their sales page convert?

5. Do they offer affiliate support?

Learn how to build your Affiliate Free Website

Ok so you have done the legwork researched and found your preferred and profitable niche, your next step is to learn how to implement your work into an affiliate website, there are a number of steps:

1. Buy a domain name

2. Buy website hosting

3. Install your first WordPress site

4. Choose a WordPress theme

5. Start building content

May I recommend that you use this tool to build your affiliate marketing free website , it’s the same one that I use to write this article, super easy to use I’m sure you will love it. Your affiliate website is up and running so what is next?

Learn how to write great content

This is the part that I want you to pay the most attention to because it is where you will succeed or fail at affiliate marketing, a website without original attractive and compelling content will be useless and people just wont engage with it.

When you begin to write articles my first tip is to visualize yourself in the shoes of your website visitor write as if you are doing your very best to answer the questions that they have. By answering their questions or concerns will make you an authority on that subject and people will get to know, like and trust you.

You are building a brand from the beginning a brand that search engines will trust a brand that will over time become recognised as the place to go to when a person needs to find out something about that niche.

Building an audience

Building an audience for your work should come naturally providing you have chosen a niche that you feel passionate about, passion is something that drives you to work very hard at writing the best content that you can write and share that content with your audience through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others.

Website rankings

Google uses a range of methods to determine your website rankings, a website is ranked in order of importance meaning it will be shown on the first page of the search results if it answers all the criteria successfully. There are many ways to promote your website so you will need to get some training on things like SEO blogging and building an email list,

There are also paid options to drive traffic to your website but when you start off it’s better to try an build organic traffic to your site, why ? Because organic traffic is natural traffic and it’s free!

Recommend affiliate products

You have done all the hard work, you have researched your niche, bought your domain name, sorted your website hosting, built your website, created your compelling unique content now you want to make some money by promoting affiliate products.

You achieve sales of affiliate products and services by doing product reviews, email your subscribers with offers, use banner ads, discounts coupons, in text content links or you can build your own store.

Learning the right way

Trust me, to make a sustainable living in affiliate marketing, it’s so important to learn the right way, not everything is perfect but if you take your time, be patient, be optimistic follow the proven training then you give yourself every chance to make a carer out of affiliate marketing.

Learn from my mistakes, learn from my success, do the free affiliate marketing training, ask questions and the community that I am part of will give you the answers that you are looking for, the collective experience is worth tapping into.


No matter what you decide to do in life you are going to need to be trained right,? Well it’s no different in affiliate marketing, before I started in this business I didn’t really know how to start or how to grow until I did the training and learned what it takes to build a site that attracts visitors every day sometimes thousands without having to pay for advertising!

Don’t delay, if you feel that you are ready to start learning how to be successful at affiliate marketing then jump right in and go to this website where you can learn from the very best in the business.


These are my final thoughts on what you should aim for before you start on your affiliate marketing journey;

1.Write as if you are talking to that person

2.Try to establish trust

3.Provide solutions to problems

4.Be consistent

5. Be persistent

6. Never give up.


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