How to earn extra money at home online

How to earn money at home online

Hi there,

Welcome to my website,

I hope that you have come here to find out how to earn money at home online because I am going to help and show you the ideal opportunity that will enable you to make a sustainable income working on your computer in your spare time with the ultimate goal to earn money at home online.

A little bit about me

My name is Fintan, I’m not as young as I used but I am able to learn new stuff related to making a living online. I have been married for 35 years and we have  reared three lovely daughters.

I still have a part time job but most of my time is spent working on my computer as much as possible patiently building my websites so that I have a passive extra income that I can use for spending on my family, my house or a nice vacation.

I was always interested in alternative health products, I have this aversion to taking drugs for common health conditions, I would much rather prefer to take something natural that wouldn’t have any major side effects.

Why am I telling you this?

I’m passionate about natural medicine alternatives for most common conditions, I wanted to communicate what I knew to the world.

I wanted to learn how to build a website and fill it with great content so that people would be able to find me from anywhere in the world, they could read what I had written and if they wanted they could buy a natural product from my website and I could EARN MONEY AT HOME ONLINE.

This is what is known as AFFILIATE MARKETING, basically I am an affiliate for the suggested health products on my website which means all that I have to do is write interesting content on my site so that people come there to find answers to their questions, should they decide to purchase a product or service from my website I get PAID!

You can do the same in your own niche.

How can you earn extra money?

You are probably asking yourself that same question, let me ask you what in the world are you passionate about? are you a sports fan, are you reader, are you a writer, what subject are you an expert in? are you a mom are you a dad, are you a grandma or grandad? what have you been trained in?

I’m sure that you have knowledge about a subject that you could share with the world and make money with that knowledge. You may feel that you don’t know enough about any subject to be able to write thousands of words to sustain a website that the search engines will love.

Don’t worry

The world wide web is a never ending source of information on every conceivable subject under the sun, I mean people use Google to find out information on almost any subject, (I’m not so sure about using Google for medical issues though)

My point is if you feel that you want to go down the road of writing content that people will want to read and you feel a little stuck for words sometimes Google is there to help.

What are your strengths?

Having your own website that is going to generate an income for you and sustain you into the future should be based around your passion and your strengths, so what are you good at?

Are you a good communicator? Are you a good writer? are you a good organizer? are you a fast learner? are you smart?

I’m sure that you have your strengths, so this is where you can put your strengths and passion to good use and EARN MONEY AT HOME ONLINE.

What to do next?

Follow my lead here and do this interesting FREE CERTIFICATION TRAINING COURSE the modules are easy enough to follow and you will learn a lot about the world of affiliate marketing and how to be successful at building your website and following your passion. 

The free course covers a lot for example:

  • Getting started
  • Building your own traffic producing website
  • Making money
  • Mastering social engagement
  • Achieving maximum success through content creation

Technical ability 

Please don’t worry about the technical side, all you need is your computer and time, spare time build this around your spare time what you will find here at Wealthy Affiliate is a bunch of people just like you who have the desire to EARN MONEY AT HOME ONLINE.

What else will you learn?

The internet is changing every day, there are nearly 4 billion people searching every day for information on a ton of subjects as affiliate marketers we must do our research to discover how best to communicate with this avalanche of online queries.


Keywords are the words that people type into their respective search engine whether it is Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Wolfram alpha, Baidu, Duck Go Go, Internet Archive, or Yandex.Ru. These are the top 10 search engines in the world.

Google being the number one search engine it has 65% of all search engine enquiries so it stands to reason that you need to figure out how to please Google.

Well this is a subject very dear to my heart and it is covered in detail in this FREE Training click here. 

YouTube training

YouTube is massive and growing, it’s a place that you should want to be sharing your content with, 1,300,000,000. is the STAGGERING number of people that use YouTube.

More than 5 billion videos are uploaded to YouTube every day.

By watching this FREE YOUTUBE Webinar Training

You will learn how to:

  • Produce
  • Record
  • YouTube videos

Trust me YouTube is the place to find people looking for information, once they look at your video content you can direct them to the content on your website.

Online Community

Within the Wealthy Affiliate platform there is a bunch of people that have the same aspirations and goals as you and I have, our mission is to EARN MONEY AT HOME ONLINE by sharing our passion with others of a similar interest anywhere in the world and GET PAID FOR IT.
Not only that the community are more than willing to help should you have a question no matter how stupid it sounds, take a look click here

Your journey

I’m not sure what stage you are you are at in life but if you are looking to earn that extra income working on your computer from home then you have come to the right place in terms of training and support.

Even if you like me have tried to make money on the internet in the past and perhaps you have had some success then you should be proud of that. On the other hand, you may have had some failures just like me, the key is to learn from failure and drive forward.

I have completed the FREE CERTIFICATION COURSE I have learned so much, I continue to learn every day and put into practice what I learn.

I am earning money at home online , I firmly believe that you can learn how to be a successful affiliate marketer if you give it time and learn from the experts.

I am here to help you as much as I can with the affiliate marketing experience that I have gained so please don’t be afraid to contact me by using the contact form on my website here


7 thoughts on “How to earn extra money at home online

  1. Affiliate marketing is an absolutely awesome opportunity for anyone who is looking to make extra money from home. The beauty of it is that you can learn how to do it in your spare time, including if you’re working full time, to add an additional income stream. Over time it could even replace your full time income. I have been in affiliate marketing for quite some time now and I recommend it to anyone who wants to work from home and balance their work and family life. I have never looked back

  2. I’ve been a fan of alternative health for many years, and it’s a good idea for a website niche. Alternative health care is the main health care for a large portion of the world’s population, as they don’t have access to allopathic medicine. Also, there are probably a lot of good affiliate programs in this niche, considering the fact that more and more people are questioning the safetly and effectiveness of mainstream medicine.

  3. Thanks for laying out clearly how to earn extra money at home online for us. You show a path to follow that will work and it seems that anyone can do this, no special skills are required beforehand. That is attractive to me, as I am not interested in having to go through some 2 or 4-year degree program to get started.

    It is notable that while setting up my home business, I will learn using the platform you mention. This hands-on approach is just what I am looking for. The training is also not going to take that long to have things set up from the looks of it. After reading through this, I have no doubt that I can earn some extra money at home.

    Thanks for the great post and tips on getting started, I will be following through and making it happen. I want to get some extra earnings in place as soon as possible! You have shown me the way, and it is not as difficult as I had imagined.

  4. I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. Your review about wealthy affiliate is actually right, you said it all. I’m a proud member of wealthy affiliate program and it’s as been a life changer. 

    I was skeptical at first in joining this program but now it’s a great advantage for me. I would encourage newbies in affiliates marketing to join WA for its weekly training, live chat, support system and tutorials. Thanks for this review. Best regards 

  5. Hello

    Thank you for this incredible post. It is thorough in teaching how one can work from their computers and earn MONEY.

    From home, possible to make sound money? I start believing that there is a lot that I don’t know out there.

    Actually there are many people unable to make ends meet but who have plenty spare time, internet network, and computers!

    I am strengthened once again and open to journeying with you on this online money making trip.

    Something that touched me is that you associate perfectly what you love most (alternative health products) with earning online.

    I am thinking of copying this as a teacher to imagine how I can start earning extra cash through teaching something online! Do you think this gonna work for me too?

    Thank you again for this thorough post.

    Looking forward to reading another well-versed post like this

  6. It is really possible to earn a lot of money from home by writing about what you have some knowledge about and leveraging platforms like youtube, facebook, google to get to your target audience. There are a lot of people out there searching for answers to a lot of questions and they are constantly searching for websites that have answers to their questions. 

    This is where blog owners come in because if they are able to provide useful answers they can gradually become an authority in their field which can lead to a lot of earning potentials.

    As long as you are willing to provide information I can assure you that there are people out there that are willing to hear what you have to say who might in turn end up purchasing products or programs you recommend.

    1. Hi Jay,

      Affiliate marketing is here to stay as more and more people look to Google , Bing and Yahoo to provide information the opportunity is limitless.

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