Make a website to make money

Make a website to make money

Have you come up with a great idea for a website that you want to make money from? Or are you simply looking for ideas on how to make a website to make money?

Either way I can help you with how to make a website and;

  • How to set up a website
  • How to set up a wordpress site
  • How to choose a niche
  • How to work with keywords
  • How to create content for your website
  •  How to create a YouTube video to promote your website
  • How to use social media
  •  How to get on Google first page
  • How to do SEO

And finally how to make a website to make money from. Are you ready?

Question markWhat’s in your head?

Let’s start at the beginning,  just like I did you will need to work out if you haven’t done it already what is your website going to be about? Have you an idea in your head that you think others would be interested in reading about?

Have you knowledge on something that you would like to share with the world?

Are you passionate about sport, fishing, racing cars, technology, cameras, art, sailing, food, mindfulness?

Are you an expert in your career or occupation, could others be interested in what you have to say?

I’m trying to be helpful to get your mind thinking in the right direction, over the years of building websites to make money I have found the more you like a particular subject the easier it is to write engaging content that will keep people’s attention.

You have your website idea, now you need to learn how to  set up your website.

Computer image1. How to set up your website

Ok, do you have had your brainstorming session and come up with an idea for your website, that’s great the next step is you need to think of a domain name that is relevant to your idea.

So, for example if you decided to build your website around weigh lifting perhaps a good idea would be, use a .com it’s by far the most popular.

When you have decided on a name you will need to register that domain name and have it hosted on the internet go HERE to register it and get it hosted.

A domain name is like a name over a store, once you register it nobody else can use the same domain name, try to pick a memorable name so that people will think of it easily and gi to your site.

How to set set up a WordPress site

2.Wordpress website builder

I recommend that you choose a WordPress website builder because as far as I know more than 50% of websites on the internet use wordpress because of how flexible and fast their websites are, not only that you can try it out by going HERE.

WordPress theme

WordPress has tens of thousands of themes to choose from, look through them and find one that you like, make sure that it is responsive and fast for the search engines.!

This is a link to my  wordpress theme.

Think niche3. How to choose a niche

You have come up with your website name because of your experience, expertise or passion that you have for that subject, now we need to look a little deeper into your chosen website subject to find your niche.

Let’s for example say that you have decided on a website based around the environment, a very topical subject at this time.

So we can break down the environment in what we call a niche.

For example greenhouse gases would be a niche area to write your content around so would plastic bottles and the harm they are doing to our atmosphere. Basically your niche in this example would be greenhouse gas emissions and the pollution they are emitting into our skies.

Your focus would be on finding keywords that are relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and write unique quality engaging content for your website visitors.

3. How to work with keywords

Working with keywords will be your bread and butter in a manner of speaking because keywords are the words or phrases that are typed into the search engines when people want to find something out.

So keywords will be on your mind a lot as you go about the business of creating content for your site, literally there are millions of keywords to look at, some of them will be ultra competitive and difficult to rank for.

My advice is to use your keyword tool to make the job of looking for and organizing your keywords list, go for long tail keywords you will find them less competitive and easier to rank for.

Long tail keywords are exactly that, they contain three or more words, the beauty of working with long tail keywords is that the search engines will be able to find your site more easily because of the number and variety of words.

My friend Kyle has written a very thorough training on understanding keywords the start of your content.

4.  How to create content for your website

I hope that you like to write, I never thought in a million years that I could write hundreds of thousands of words, over the years I have managed to make a living online by simply writing about stuff that I care about.

You can do the same, my advice is to find a subject that you feel passionately about and trust me once you have that computer in front of you the words will start to flow once you have a structure.

Creating content is all about doing your keyword research first, you will need a quality keyword tool that is designed to find short tail keywords and long tail keywords, I use Jaxxy keyword tool I find that it does a great job.

5. How to create a YouTube video to promote your site

YouTube is an amazing platform to promote your website business, it was .launched in 2005 as it uploaded its first video, more than 1,300,000,000 people use YouTube.

Every minute over 300 hours of video are uploaded, five billion videos are looked at each day with more than 30 million people visiting each day.

Sounds like a place that you should be right! The numbers are astounding YouTube is now the second most watched  channel in the world, but how do you get on YouTube?

You need to create your own YouTube channel,  your brand if you will, go to YouTube and sign up.

Next you need to set about making your own video based on your website content, I recommend that you aim to make a video for every single page on your website.

I wrote a very detailed page on how to get on YouTube 2019 why not check it out it will help you to understand how YouTube works.

How to go about making a video

I’m going to assume that you want to produce a home- made video of good quality, all you need is a good mobile phone that has the ability to take videos.

I understand that standing in front of a camera is a bit scary for some people so I’m going to show an alternative for you as well.

The most important thing is to think like the person viewing your video, what would they be looking for? write down what you want to say, make the content no longer than 3-4 minutes long, rehearse it until you know it off by heart.

mobile phoneGet your camera, tablet or computer ready, make the background look as professional as possible, I print what I’m going to say and I leave prompts close to my tablet before I start to record.

Excellent, so now you have made your video that tells the viewer all about your page in three minutes or less, the reason for a short video is that statistically people on YouTube prefer to watch short videos.

Now for the not so camera friendly people and to be honest I’m one of those, so this is what I do to avoid putting my face on camera.

I have a copy of Microsoft word which has Microsoft excel as well, so I simply pick a template add content, add images, make about 10 slides.

Go into your phone

Go to your phone and read the slides into a voice recorder, then save your recording on your computer, go back to excel and add recording, click play in the background.

Rehearse the timings so that all is in sync, save as video then go to your YouTube account, upload video, add a headline which should be your keyword, put as much of the slide content as will fit in the caption.

Don’t forget to add your website url at the top of the content and the bottom.

Add at least ten keywords including your main keyword add your url in the keyword box, last step you need to create a thumbnail otherwise YouTube will pick one from your slides. Use this free online tool to create your thumbnail, upload your thumbnail and click publish.

Well done

Well done, you have just created your very first YouTube video, now you need to go to your video and watch it to make sure you are happy with it, then look for the share button, copy the embed code.

Go back to your webpage insert that piece of code about half way down the content, now go to Google console and add that url to their index, a lot of work but trust me your website rankings will improve.

If you don’t have a Google account then I suggest that you open a free Google account.

Google can see that people are going from YouTube to your website meaning your content is engaging and useful to them, that counts in your favour in the eyes of the search engines.

Social media image6. How to use social media

As I’m sure you are aware social media has exploded these last few years with the like of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest and many others attracting visitors to their platforms in ever increasing numbers.

Facebook: Facebook is one of the original social media sites it is super easy to open an account with them and it doesn’t cost you any money, start there and build your brand by posting useful content that links back to your site.

Pinterest: Pinterest is more image orientated so you will need access to high quality images that you can add text to with this free online tool, images of high quality can be downloaded for free from or

Twitter: Twitter has been around for ages, it’s relatively easy to set up, remember to tweet a couple of times a day to attract followers and get retweets.

Linkedin: LinkedIn is a platform for professionals so you will need to project a professional business brand on this platform, it is possible yo build up your profile there by posting regularly.

There are so many social media platforms for me to go into on this page, however if you like my friend Kyle has written a very informative post on what does social media mean to your business.

7. How to get on Google first page

This is where you want your want your website to be, on the first page of Google because that is why you are making a website to make money, you will only make serious money by being on the first page of Google.

So how do you get there?

By writing unique quality engaging well researched long content based on long tail keywords that are low in competition and high in SEO value.

Furthermore you need to have every single page optimized to the limit, your site must load lighting fast and be mobile friendly. Please go to my website and read how to get on the first page of Google in much more detail.

seo a website on google8. How to do SEO

SEO is the art of optimizing a website to the maximum so that it fits all of the criteria that Google demands to make it onto the first page if the search results.

You will need to study SEO in much more detail by going HERE and learning it from start to finish.


You have done all of the hard work so now you need to know how to make money from your site, may I recommend that you take a serious look at becoming an affiliate marketer.

It doesn’t cost any money to become an affiliate, this is where I find all the help that I need to be able to make a website to make money.

Affiliate marketing is a growing industry, why not take a look and see for yourself?


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